19:30h - Monday May 6


Sala 2 Cines Golem – Alhóndiga
Duration:71 min

Lucas returns from a night out on a night bus and falls asleep after texting his ex. When he wakes up, dawn has already broken. Someone has cut the pocket of his pants and taken his phone. The next day, while investigating with his best friend Marco using a location-tracking app, he starts receiving glitchy images and GPS coordinates from a group of kids in an outlying suburb. The attraction to distorted images of a masked man and a mysterious girl ignites the emotional process of a teenager going through a first experience of heartbreak. This leads the boy to delve into a dark underworld where the detective game blurs with the ghosts of a spiralling relationship that urgently needs a resolution.

Director:Daniel Moreno García

Daniel Moreno García is a director and director of photography. Since 2014 he has worked as a DOP in narrative projects, as well as in advertising and video clips. He has photographed short films that have accumulated dozens of selections at festivals around the world such as Píxeles (2015), with more than 12 million views on YouTube or Paralelos (2019), selected at the Sitges Film Festival. He has worked as a director of photography on feature films such as Keep Away from Fire (2019), What We Know (2022) or Valenciana (2023). I Dreamed of Waves is a self-financed film and his directorial debut.

Cast & crew
Screenplay:Daniel Moreno García.
Production:Daniel Moreno García.
Edition:Pablo Díaz Domínguez.
Cast:Mario Miñano, Lucas Nabor, Elia Gallego, Cristian Ibarra Cruz, Jorge Rapela.