1981 · Gary Sherman · AEB - EE. UU. - USA · 94 min


9th May @ 16:15 Golem Alhóndiga (Sala 1)


Dan Gillis has recently returned to his hometown of Potter’s Bluff to be its sheriff. His job becomes difficult when a series of strangers who visit the town begin dying in violent and mysterious ways. To make matters worse, his wife, Janet, has begun to act strangely, taking an odd interest in voodoo and acting like she might be having an affair. As the murder victims pile up, Gillis discovers that all his troubles have an occult origin that has to do with the town’s elderly mortician. Gillis gets to the bottom of the mystery, only to discover that the truth is much worse than he imagined.

  • Director / Gary Sherman
  • Screenplay / Jeff Millar, Alex Stern, Ronald Shusett, Dan O’Bannon, Chelsea Quinn Yarbro
  • Production / Robert Fentress
  • Music / Joe Renzetti
  • Edition / Alan Balsam
  • Cast / James Farentino, Melody Anderson, Jack Albertson, Dennis Redfield, Nancy Locke, Lisa Blount, Robert Englund, Bill Quinn